After you have claimed your account, your username will be the letter “E” (for employee) and your employee id. This is the username you will need for your initial login.
USERNAME = E + employee-id
Example: If your BCS employee id is 98765, then your BCS network login will be E98765
Please note that most employee ids are 5 digits. However, we do have some that are 3 digits and 4 digits. If your employee id is 3 or 4 digits, your username will still be the same.
Example: If your BCS employee id is 999, then your BCS network login will be E999. If your BCS employee id is 9876, then your BCS network login will be E9876.
USERNAME = C + employee-id
Example: If your BCS id is 12345, then your BCS network login will be C12345
USERNAME = S + employee-id
Example: If your BCS id is 12345, then your BCS network login will be S12345